Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Cheer Up

Whats all this talk about the Slot Card Hobby dying out? I've must've talked and communicated with about 35 different people this past summer.
Yes, I sell cards but most of the correspondance was informational,people letting me know about new cards, lots of trades, and asking me questions..Actually, I think I've started all the people in the Chicagoland area to collect cards. I go to our local casinos weekly and people see me harvesting cards and ask me why I'm doing that and I of course tell them and inform them to check ebay and the bbs board.Once they get the smell of money, they're hooked. I've made 6 different trips this summer and I've got one more to go and my collection has grown tremondously, plus I've accumulated a lot of new blanks.I wouldn't worry about it, now the the cold weather is coming and people are more indoors and playing with their computers, the hobby will pick up..Fred

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Cheer Up
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Re: Cheer Up--in Colorado??

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