I just returned from 7 days in Reno and the RENO SHOW...here are a few of my better finds...I have SOME for trade. The 2006 RENO SHOW will be the last weekend in August at the SANDS REGENCY...hope to see you all there....FD...you are always welcome at my shows...it was nice to meet you in Las Vegas...my intent was to offer you an opportunity for me to hand out flyers for your site at the RENO SHOW..thought it would save you time and a trip.....you mentioned a swap meet for card collectors..WE HAVE ONE every year prior to the Convention at the Blair House on Desert Inn....you are invited, we trade and buy and sell till we drop....ACTION ACTION ACTION...By the way, Scott has been one of biggest supporters for this hobby...honest, fair and truthful....I think we are all aware that a "rare" card can become common overnight if as box of them comes out of the woodwork....happens all the time in chip collecting....I am in this hobby because I like finding cards in casinos, trading with friends and selling a few on ebay....sorry for the long post....by the way, the card you sent me arrived...thanks Jim