Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Re: We disagree
In Response To: We Agree ()

"We are wondering why it is taking so long to get everyone to convert over to the site. Some people don`t like change and we understand that but this is a change for the better"

Boy, where to start.... Greg Susong's network of boards for the casino collectors has been 'the place' for a number of years. It's simplicity and familiarity to all the collectors is something that people do not want to change immediately. Plus, Greg is a valued member of the club, these boards only being a part of the work he puts into it. The groups' loyalty to him is what keeps people here (and on, etc.).

Now, since I think you're rather new to this hobby, let me mention my perspective in making the above comments. I invite you to visit MY site: This site has been in existence for over two years and has over 230 members and over 2000 posts. In addition, we host nearly 4,500 pictures of slot cards, room keys, etc.! The Palms Keys you mentioned in your previous post have been available to view on our site since May: Along with 60+ other Palms cards.

Why do I mention this? Even with our forums, free online auctions, and the most comprehensive slot card content (online) on this planet, Greg's board STILL gets the traffic. (applaud - Greg). One thing I learned when I started that site - you cannot force people to change or demand that they 'fall in line'. In addition, out of respect to Greg and the other collectors here, I do not spam his boards with advertisements for our site (except this post - sorry Greg), and really think you should reconsider doing the same.

Sorry if this sounds as if I'm taking you to task: I know you put alot of effort into your site (and your own $$), and hope you are successful at it! The more exposure the hobby has, the better! Happy collecting!

Messages In This Thread

We Agree
Re: We disagree
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: PS
Re: I Agree
Re: I Agree Scott--where ya been???
Re: I Agree Scott--where ya been???
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: interested
Re: I Agree
Re: I Agree

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