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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?

Jerry - The SC&RKCC newsletter is a quarterly newsletter put out by the Slot Card & Room Key Collectors Club, formerly known as the SC & RK Chapter of CC & GTCC. The President is Jim Munding (California). Pat Lamb (Colorado) is Vice-President and I (Las Vegas) am the Secretary/Treasurer.

Being a quarterly newsletter, it is, obviously, mailed out every 3 months. It contains news about new players cards and room keys issued by casinos and the hotels associated with them. I try to be as complete as possible, using information sent to me by friends and other club members, of which there are 150. In addition to news about cards and keys, I also include news and information about what's going up and what's coming down, in Las Vegas, and anywhere else, if I can find out about it. And, if that isn't enough, I also include a NEW card that has come out recently. These cards have been generously donated by club members from all over the US. This month I will be including one of 10 different cards that were given to me at the swap meet and convention last month. Many members from across the US brought a total of over 200 cards to donate. Every year the club also sponsors a SWAP MEET & TRADE SESSION on the Wednesday before the convention. This years "meet" was attended by over 60 club members. Some stayed for just a short time, while others stayed the entire 9 hours. Free breakfast and lunch were also served, along with soda and snacks throughout the day. If you missed it, you really missed it.

Dues are only $5.00 per year. However, since I require 150 newer cards per month for the newsletter, any member who will donate 75 cards throughout the year, will have their membership extended FREE for an additional year. All 75 do NOT have to be the same card, nor at the same time. Five here and 10 there during the year all adds up. We keep track of all donations, and when a members total equals 75, their membership is extended automatically.

If you email me your address, I can send you a copy of the last newsletter.

I hope this information has been helpful. And, if anyone else who is reading this is not a member, and wishes to join, just send me an email and let me know.

Messages In This Thread

QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?
Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?
Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?
Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?
Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?
Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?
Re: QOD: Do You gamble less now that you collect?

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