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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Joke of The Day = READ IT PLEASE

A man brought a limp dog into the vet clinic. The doctor pulled out his stethoscope, placed it on the dog's chest, and said, "I'm sorry, but your dog has passed away."

"What?" screamed the man. "I want another opinion!"

With that, the doctor left the room and returned with a Labrador retriever who sniffed the limp dog and said, "Woof."

The veterinarian then brought in a cat, which walked around the dog, shook his head, and said, "Meow."

The veterinarian said, "There's nothing more I can do." He handed the man a bill for $600. The dog's owner became enraged and questioned the bill.

The doctor shook his head sadly and explained, "If you had taken my word for it, the cost would have been $50, but with the Lab work and the cat scan ..."


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Joke of The Day = READ IT PLEASE

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