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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Convention Exhibits - please read

For those of you planning on attending this year's Convention in August, instead of just attending the Convention, why not be A PART of the Convention.

All members can show off their collecting interest or specialties by entering an exhibit. Its FREE to enter an exhibit, and all exhibitors will receive cash prizes (in the form of "Appreciation Scripps" that can be used to purchase anything during the Convention). In addition, the top 3 placers will receive an additional "Awards Scrip". Show cases (locked) and tables will be provided at no cost to you.

Please remember that the exhibits are not restricted to chips, tokens or silver strikes. It can be any casino-related memorabilia. There are no limits to the size of the exhibit. As an example, here are some of the exhibits from recent Conventions.

- Gambler's Belt Buckles
- Silver Strikes
- Collecting US roulette chips
- Snappers of the world
- Nevada $1 chips
- Dovetail chips
- Chips from the Flamingo
- Del Webb: Casino Builder & Operator
- Ticket in Ticket out
- Caesar and the Grape Girl

As you can see, what you decide to exhibit is only restricted to your collecting interest and imagination. Set up for exhibits are on Wednesday, the same time Dealers do their set up. The added fringe benefit to doing an exhibit is that you will be allowed to enter the Convention PRIOR to its official opening on Thursday morning. This means that you can view what is available prior to the opening day crowd.

The deadline for submitting an application is rapidly approaching (June). If you have any questions about doing an exhibit, please email me for more info.

You can help make this year's Convention a success by being a part of it.

Thanks for looking.

Joe Shaw R-2548

Copyright 2022 David Spragg