Pam Holmgrem posted this on the ChipBoard. Thought I should pass it on. Guess I have to go down to the Chicago area. Sigh.... We Wisconsinites hate to do that! Let me give you a little backround. Dating back to the 20's, Wisconsin roads have always been tied up in the summer months by all kinds of intruding Illinois residents who come up to enjoy our beautiful North woods. Locals get so mad sitting in a traffic jam in the summer sun behind dozens of cars from Illinois. Even the Chicago gangsters made the trip - Dillinger was in a famous gunbattle with the G-Men up at a Wisconsin resort. On the other hand, when we go south of the state line, we have to pay tolls to use their roads! While they freeload on ours! It's a regional thing. At a Milwaukee Brewers game a few years back I saw a plate on an Illinois car bearing a transplanted Wisconsin resident -- "NOT A FIB." You have to realize that there are some Cheeseheads who refer to our southern neighbors as FIB's - the F stands for... the "f" word... I stands for Illinois and the B stands for... well, the "b" word. So you see, it's hard for a diehard Cheesehead to set foot over the state line unless he has to!