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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

The deadline is close at hand!...

As a reminder... Nominations for COTY, TOTY, SSOTY and CKOTY are due by midnight this Saturday!

Every member in good standing is asked to participate in the annual Chip of the Year, Token of the Year, Silver Strike of the Year and Slot Card/Room Key of the Year Awards Competitions.

Every member (Regular, Associate, Life and Foreign) is eligible to nominate up to five candidates, in each category. The Top Ten nominees, in each category are then voted upon (judged) by those members who participated in the nomination process.

Therefore, you must Nominate in order to fully participate!

Without going into the full details (which are available in the latest issue of the CCTN) only chips, tokens, strikes and cards that were issued during the calendar year of 2003 are eligible for consideration.

If you are aware of specific issues during that time frame, then please feel free to nominate them (if YOU feel they are worthy). We also have available a Viewing Site (no pun intended) that contains many (some) items released during 2003 that are eligible for consideration, but not all chips, tokens, strikes and cards issued in 2003 are represented, which is why the site is refrred to as the Un-Official Viewing Site. It is linked below.

Members may email their nomination(s) to the above email address and as long as it is date/time stamped on or before midnight this Saturday, then I will include it in the nomination process and you will have a say in determining the 2003 OTY Award winners.

Please feel free to ask questions here, or via email.

Thank you,

Jim Follis
OTY Awards Chairman

Copyright 2022 David Spragg