Glad to see a new means of communicating with card collectors. I am a long time chip collector & thought I would not get into cards. Wrong! They are a blast & lots of nice people involved. Steve Wells wrote the "Official U.S. Casino Chip Price Guide" with me. And I have known Pat & Daryl for many years from when we used to trade tokens.
I have some nice duplicates from my recent trip to Colorado & Deadwood. Will probably run on ebay for some fun. All newer cards. Plus picked up a collection with lots of cards, many dupes. Will probably put on ebay too. Need lots of time to sort these 245 cards into my collection of only a few hundred cards. I am not collecting every variant & every card. Here's a scan of a few of my favorites from this collection. None are duplicates. The Caesars on bottom in Vegas & a credit card. After seeing the Post Office listed in Steve & Pat's book I wanted one. Two days later I found one in this collection.
I will post scans real soon- as soon as I figure it out!