To All Slot Card and Room Key Collectors:
Recently the Board of Directors of the Casino Chip & Gaming Token Collectors Club, Inc., voted to disband ALL of the chapters, including ours. As you know, our (EX) chapters annual main event was our SWAP MEET at the convention. Last year over 100 SC&RK chapter members attended this event.
The officers of the (ex) SC&RK chapter have decided to continue our organization as a "club". and expand our yearly event at a new location.
This year's swap meet and annual business meeting will be held Wednesday, June 16, 2004, from 10 AM until the last person "drops". It will be held at the BLAIR HOUSE, 344 East Desert Inn Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, in the 2nd floor meeting room. Lots of signs will be posted to make it easy to find. There is lots of FREE parking. So bring your traders and lots of energy for a fun-filled day.
Lunch, snacks and refreshments will be served. We may even have a raffle or two.
This will be a "club members only" event, but memberships will be available at the door for $5.00.
Make plans now to attend. Please email any of the officers if you have any questions. All members will be receiving a letter with all information and necessary maps. Blair House is just a 5 minute walk from the Riviera.
We guarantee that you will have fun, as we always do. We look forward to seeing you on June 16th. Thank you for your continued support.
Jim Munding, President
Pat Lamb, Vice-President
Dave Johnston, Secretary/Treasurer