I agree we should continue as our own Club. The information that we share is invaluable - worth more than the dues we pay. We paid $10 for PACK and $5 for the "chapter" dues and I don't think $15/year is going to break any of us (and I won't even ask for a senior discount -- ha ha). So far expenses aren't exceeding income, so this gives us some leaway for some "fun" things. We always like the "treats" Pat puts in the PACK so maybe we could have "treats" more often. And because of the disassociation from the CCGTCC, you're right you'll have to pay for a room (and refreshments) if you want to have a swap meet during their convention timeframe. So, subject to Pat's approval, I'm for going ahead with our own Club and the officers of the former chapter continue as the initial officers of the new Club. If it's a "go", the I suggest you find out roughly what a meeting place would cost in Vegas so we'd know how much on average we'd need each year for such an event and then determine what the dues would be to cover everything (meetings, newsletters, mailings, and treats, etc). I agree we should put some rules in place so that we all have some kind (and the same kind) of structure to abide by.
That's my 2 cents (or slot cards) worth.